Common questions

Your question may have been asked to us before

Is it possible to bring the car to the customer's desired location?

We suggest to visit the gallery and make a purchase after making sure of the health and safety and checking the documents.

How can I contact you if there are any questions?

You can be in touch via email and WhatsApp.

Is it possible to return the goods?

No, this website is only an intermediary between you and the galleries, and any conditions are between you and the gallery.

How can we ensure our purchase?

You must be present at the place of purchase with an expert. Check all car parts and documents. If there is no problem, proceed to purchase.

What should be done if the car has a problem?

Before buying, you should do the necessary inspection and repair the car if there is a warranty and the warranty conditions are met.

Learn more about us

And ask us any questions you have